Srikar Raghavan
Srikar Raghavan graduated from Manipal Center for Humanities (MCH) with an M.A in English in 2020. The diversity of courses offered at MCH - from literature to sociology to history to philosophy - granted him a comprehensive grounding in the humanities, and inspired an interdisciplinary approach towards research. His interest in the literary and social upheavals in Karnataka during the second half of the twentieth century paved the way towards the book project he is currently undertaking under the wings of the NIF. He also possesses an intrepid journalistic energy, and the current project relies much on field work and interviews, while at the same time being backed by strong textual research. He hopes that the book will emerge to be an engaging and accessible slice of Indian history, especially for the English-reading Kannadiga.
For recreation, Srikar loves to play guitar, trek, and quiz. He holds a resolute conviction that The Big Lebowski is the most extraordinary work of pop culture ever conceived, and will jump to any length to prove that Mark Knopfler is the greatest musician to have ever walked under the sun.